To ensure participation in the fields of Education, Training, Workforce and Cultural & Political life and give them equal opportunities, Government of India, State Government, Union Territory Government, Governmental & non-governmental organizational institutes are running many positive-thinking welfare programs, work plans & training programs regarding for the benefit of the visual impaired people. There is an active legal plan for their better protection and to benefit of the visual impaired people. There is an active legal plan for their better protection and to accelerate basic rights. Till date, there is an organizational arrangement for Specific Educational Teachers and Rehabilitation Worker Training Programs. Seven states in India but there was not any government organization I Jaipur District to protect unsighted people’s rights, because of that, visual impaired children and their guardians has to face much problems. Keeping it in mind, the thought of the establishment of “Louis-Braille Drishtiheen Vikas Sansthan” was born.
In Actual, mutual co-operation is the foundation on which the society stands upon. For all the moveable & non-moveable things in the world, co-operation is needed. This is the basis which plays a key role for organization rising. Whether you call it unfortunate or irony, one of the most important organ of the human body, often called the ‘Window of the soul’, the Eyes, become unproductive and lose their own innocence, lack of proper mindset in the family & society cause the blind people to live a helpless and frustrated strange life.
Today, due to malnutrition & poverty, thousands of youths and growing generation is forced to spend a life full of darkness. This statistics has crossed over millions in India. In Rajasthan alone, estimated number of more than 8 million sisters & brothers are somehow stretching their annoying lifespan. These sightless people are found scattered in the streets, villages, colony sideways and at distant areas. There is a prior need of their rehabilitation and emergence of their collaboration and harmony.